Don’t Let the Beautiful Day Get Away

Why, yes, I am thinking of the U2 song. 😊 Busy as I am trying to get the follow-up to Cedar Ridge done—or at least get the first draft out of my head and into a Word doc—I’ve still been trying to take time to enjoy autumn. The leaves are gorgeous this year, vibrant...

Dream a Little Dream

There are four seasons where I live and autumn is my most favorite of them all. I don’t care that the days grow shorter or colder. I use it as an excuse to climb into cozy jammies and brew up a pot of coffee or tea any time of day just for the comfort of it. And, in...

The Guy You Love to Hate

Yes, we’re talking Warner again. A villain’s villain. When I decided to do this week’s post on another of his chapters, at first, I wondered what I could possibly say about him that hadn’t already been revealed. It’s true, I may redeem him at some point in the future...

Who You Gonna Call?

Who would you call in a real emergency? A spouse? Parent? Sibling? Friend? Everyone’s gotta have someone, right? That person you can count on no matter what’s going on. And you don’t want it to be someone who will get all judgmental on you. When you’ve hit...

Finding My Way

I’ve really enjoyed writing these little insights over the past few weeks. I’ve used writing prompts to get a lot of them started. There’s so much I want to tell you about my book, my writing, the process … and at the same time, I’m stumped for material most days. I...