A Very Bad Day

We’ve all had ‘em. The days from hell that just won’t end. The alarm doesn’t go off. You forgot to set the coffee maker. The last bagel has green fur growing on it. Halfway through the day, you realize your underwear is on inside out. And, you’re late for every...

The Power of Words

While I was writing Cedar Ridge, one of my writing partners commented that I’d created the perfect villain in Warner Barkley. “I love to hate him!” she said with a wicked chuckle, and I so appreciated that. It meant I’d done my job. I’d created a character using words...

Love Appears When (and Where) You Least Expect It

Isn’t that always the way? You really, really, really want to find love, but it eludes you. You’ll see it everywhere but in your own life. Friends pair up while you go on disappointing date after disappointing date, never finding The One. Letting go of expectation is...

Take a Chance

There’s a time and a place for playing it safe, but sometimes you gotta take a chance. A few years back, I was working in an office, a “safe” job that came with good benefits and a 40-hour work week. The people were great, but the work so lacked challenge that I was...

A Glimpse Into the Future

My new book has only been out for a month, but I’m already working on the next book in the series. There’s no title, yet—not even a working title—but the story line has been circling around the outskirts of my brain, waiting for its turn to be told. Even...