There are four seasons where I live and autumn is my most favorite of them all. I don’t care that the days grow shorter or colder. I use it as an excuse to climb into cozy jammies and brew up a pot of coffee or tea any time of day just for the comfort of it. And, in my jams and with a steaming mug at the ready, I’m perfectly set for hours of curling up in the big chair next to the fireplace with a book, my furries in attendance, of course.

Lately, though, I’ve allowed myself a little indulgence, one that I haven’t done a lot of in many, many years: daydreaming. It feels like a luxury because we’re supposed to be busy and productive 110% of the time, right? Crimony, I’m trying to get my next book completed and ready for the editor by the end of this month, and be ready to dive right into book number three by Monday, November 1 (that’s 2021, y’all). *freaked out emoji* That pressure alone feels like enough justification for taking a break and a breather and letting my mind off the leash. Exploring what-ifs that may never make it into a book, and may never materialize in my life, yet are satisfying all the same in their freedom.

If you’ve ever felt the need for permission to do a little dreaming of your own, here it is. If anyone asks, just say Maris said it was okay, okay?

Need some inspiration for some dreaming of your own? Read an excerpt of Cedar Ridge in this week’s Book Bubble.