There’s a time and a place for playing it safe, but sometimes you gotta take a chance. A few years back, I was working in an office, a “safe” job that came with good benefits and a 40-hour work week. The people were great, but the work so lacked challenge that I was completely bored. So, I began freelance writing on the side. The extra income was just a bonus. The real motivation was doing something I loved and soon, I started wondering if I should take a chance on freelancing fulltime. I knew if I made the switch, I’d no longer get paid just for showing up. I’d have to hustle to keep the money coming in, and there were no guarantees that the magazines and websites I was writing for today would have work for me tomorrow.

Well, obviously, I did take the chance. Those first few years, I worked harder than I ever had before—and I was also happier than I’d ever been before. And, after a few years, my writing aspirations took another direction. I started writing a book with the goal of publishing it. Thank God I took a chance on my dream. If I’d played it safe, I wouldn’t have had the incredible experience of writing a novel that so many have enjoyed.

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